The Urinals of a Marco Island hotel and vacation facility

According to a cease and decist letter recieved from a law firm, representing the proprietors of this resort, Urinal Dot Net is accused of violating federal laws that prohibit the "...[use] in commerce [of] any word, term, name, symbol, or device..." that might "...cause confusion, or to cause mistake, or to deceive as to the affiliation, connection, or association..." between Urinal Dot Net and the resort in question. Although the name of said resort cannot be published, the name does happen to be composed from:

1. The first name of the Island on which it is located;
2. A word that describes a sandy shoreline used for recreation;
3. The term describing an immense body of salt water, of which there are four in the world;
4. Fill in the blank: "Facing a lawsuit, website editors changed the content as a last _______".

Filed under: Hotels & Casinos | Top 1,000 Urinals | Landmarks

This is an artist's rendition of an image submitted by an independent contributor, who may have visited the island in search of Marco Polo. This rendition may or may not depict the "elegant", "quality", and "creative" designs that represent great value and importance to the proprietors of this vacation facility.

In the opinion of the anonymous contributor, presumably after returning from the Beach: "This [vacation facility]... is quite upscale. Rather surprisingly, when one opens the door to the men's room in the main lobby area, this urinal can plainly be seen by all passers by."

Civil statute section 495.151 of the state of Florida (a state with 1197 miles of Ocean coastline) protects the proprietors of this vacation facility from "INJURY TO BUSINESS REPUTATION AND DILUTION".

Accordingly, the editors of Urinal Dot Net strongly urge all patrons to remain encouraged about and maintain a positive light on the Resort.